Lithuania Trip   

In September 2000, my mother (Helen Lambert) and I flew to Kaunas, in Lithuania. Her parents, Rozalija (Kancleryte) and Juozas Navadauskas (Mama and Tete) came to the U.S. from Lithuania in 1913 and were never able to return. Although my grandfather's older sister and one of his brothers also lived in the U.S., none of my grandmother's family came. So the Kancleriai family was missing one branch, and my mother is the oldest twig. Our visit reunited the Navadauskai branch with the rest of the Kanclerai tree.

This is my diary, or journal, of that wonderful adventure.

September 11-12: Traveling there September 22: Neringa
September 13: Touring Kaunas September 23: Family Meeting in Musnininkai
September 14: Planning September 24: Hill of Crosses and Orvydas Farmstead
September 15: With Elyte & Vytas September 25: Senamiestis (Old Town)
September 16: The Kazlauskai Family September 26: Elyte and Vytas, then Valentina
September 17: Valentina's Family September 27: Ona & Roze, then Champagne
September 18: Naujamiestis (New Town) September 28: Museum of Exiles
September 19: To Regina's in Druskininkai September 29: Leaving Lithuania
September 20: Antupai and Kaunas September 30: London
September 21: Visiting Liuda and Vilnius October 1: Flying Home

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Copyright 2001 Nancy and Chuck Ciaffone