The party (reception)

We all headed into the dining hall, where an incredible buffet awaited us. No one co-ordinated what was coming; the kids just asked their friends to bring what they wanted. We even had one woman cooking cous-cous in the camp kitchen. Everything was delicious - and no one went hungry.

Then the minister, witnesses (Erin and Ryan), and Keith and Mari signed all the paperwork that makes it all legal.

Guess they are glad they've made it legal?

While we ate and partied, the DJ started playing music, and we danced under the stars. The moon was just a sliver, but the sky was clear and the stars were bright and beautiful. And the air had that special southern softness. The kids had put together a CD of special songs for their wedding, beginning with their special dance: Louie Armstrong's Give me a kiss to Build a Dream On. But there were also folk songs, including the Irish Off to Mari's Wedding, old rock and roll, and stuff from their generation. Chuck and I "entertained" our little corner of the reception with some rock and roll. But we liked the slow dances best.

Then it was time for the best man and the maid of honor to make the "champagne" toasts to the new couple.

Ryan toasts the kids.

Erin toasts the kids
The kids visit all us guests and give us more "champagne" and copies of their wedding CD. Do they look just a little happy?

Then they cut the wedding cakes. Yes, cakes. The white one was for Keith. The chocolate frosted chocolate cake was, of course, for Mari. They each cut a cake and fed the first slices to each other. And, because they are sensible, in-love, grown-up kids, they did not follow the incredibly rude "tradition" of smashing the cake into each others' faces. They had a much better idea.

The bride threw her bouquet to the single women; whoever catches it will be the next to marry. The groom removed the bride's garter and threw it to the bachelors; whoever catches it will be the next to marry. But not necessarily to each other!

She really means it.

Yes, Mari wore pink and red and orange pantyhose.

We feasted and danced and enjoyed each others' company well into the night. We love Mari and Keith, and we all agree that we really like them as a them.

And we think they do, too.

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Copyright 2001 Nancy and Chuck Ciaffone