The wedding ceremony

Lou lit a bundle of sage and, using a large feather, purified the circle. Then Kim walked the circle and called the four directions to create the ring. Finally, Vikki stood in the middle and invoked the god and goddess to complete the dome. Yup, this was a pagan ceremony.

Keith and Ryan got dressed in an SCA knight's pavilion, while Mari, Erin, and Ardyn waited in the cabin. First Keith, then Mari entered the clearing and walked the circle. Then men (for Keith) and women (for Mari) smudged the wedding party (wafted smoke from the sage bundle) to purify them before they entered the circle. Each had three smudgers: one from the previous generation, one from their generation, and one from the next generation.

Keith and Ryan walk around the circle.

Elliot, Jerry, and Chris smudge them.

Mari, Erin, and Ardyn leave the cabin and cross to the circle

They walk around the circle.

I smudge them.

After Vikki smudged them, she helped Ardyn smudge Mari and Erin.

They all met in the center of the circle, where Gary (yes, he's a legal minister) awaited them.

The ceremony begins.

Keith and Mari make their vows to each other.

Mari makes her vows to Ardyn.

Keith and Mari are man and wife, and celebrate.

Everyone is happy.

Under a rain of bird seed, the new couple heads for the party.

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Copyright 2001 Nancy and Chuck Ciaffone